Jack's Christmas Wish Page 3
“Maybe me, you and Jack could go out together. That way we would be sure to behave.”
“You did promise him an ice cream date. But let me warn you, he might ask some really embarrassing questions.” God, he hoped Jack would keep his little mouth shut about how the French people kiss.
“You're right, I did. When do you want to do this?” She was practically hopping up and down like an excited child.
“Calm down, or not, I like the way your breasts bounce when you do that.”
She stopped.
“You better behave. You already gave me a warning, so now I'm giving you one.”
“Ooh, I like the feisty side of you.” He imagined spanking her ass for mouthing off. He would enjoy the hell out of turning her pretty little ass pink.
“You'd be surprised at just how feisty I can be.”
He immediately thought of a pissed off kitten. He could hardly wait to get her in his playroom. His bondage table would work really nicely for her. “You know, Kitten; I really want to take you over my knee right now and spank that ass.” He thought she might show some fear.
Her eyes dilated.
Perfect. She would be fucking perfect. She had a defiant look on her face, but he could tell the idea turned her on. He imagined she was really wet right about now. Only problem was he was getting cold and sticky in his jeans. Seriously uncomfortable. “I'm sorry, sweetheart, but I need to get going. He gestured to his crotch with his eyes.
“O-okay, but how will you find me? To go out, I mean? She scooted close to the passenger side door.
“I think I know where to find a sexy Santa's helper. Don't you? You'll be standing under a giant candy cane next to a pervert in a sleigh.” He winked at her.
“Can I have one more kiss?” She crawled across the seat back to him.
“Hell, yes.” Their mouths met, igniting yet another fire in his groin. Damn it, she was like a drug.
Their tongues slid together in a sensual tango, leaving them both breathless. She broke the kiss and took in a large breath. “I guess I should go, huh?” She got closer instead of backing away.
“Yeah,” he murmured against her lips. He took her mouth in a desperate kiss. He was dying inside to have her beneath him, on top of him. To be buried so deep inside her he wouldn't know where he stopped and she began.
“Okay, I'm going” she backed across the seat and finally pulled the handle. She ran to her car and hopped in, then took off into the night.
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* * *
Lissa walked through her apartment still on cloud nine from her almost date with Derek, only to discover she had sixteen messages on her machine. She instantly knew who they were all from. Rex wouldn't give up hope if she paid him to. God knows she couldn't afford that. She could barely afford to buy instant noodles much less bribe the sonofabitch to back off.
She shrugged her jacket off and could think of nothing more than a nice bath to soothe her aching body. Playing Santa's slutty helper wasn't easy. Neither was being all wound up from a super stud either. She had a feeling the bath would be for more than just relaxing.
Despite her knowledge of who the messages were from there was always the chance that her mother needed her. She pushed the play messages button and waited.
“Lissa, when I get my hands on you I'm going to put you over my lap and spank your ass for ignoring me." Rex's voice grated on her nerves like fingernails down a chalkboard and the thought of his hands on her disgusted her. She never should have gone out with him. He was trouble from the start. Trying to keep her away from her family and trying to control who she talked to.
"I'm gonna lick your pussy until you come all over my face." She hit fast forward. God she didn't want to hear any more of his crass messages. In a way she felt a bit threatened but shook it off and hit stop on her machine. She could listen to this crap after her bath.
She slipped out of her suit and padded naked to the bathroom. Her body still hummed with excitement over Derek. Unlike him, she didn't get any relief.
She turned on the tap, adjusted the temperature and poured in a liberal amount of floral scented bubble bath. The water soon became a white frothy layer of bubbles.
Warm water enveloped her and she sighed. She slid down and propped her head on a towel letting her arms and legs float freely. The bubbles popping one by one across her chest, tickled her. Her nipples were taut peeks despite the warmth aching to be touched. She thought back to the truck and her clit throbbed. How his head fell back as he came in her hand.
Her hand seemed to have a mind of its own, traveling straight to her aching bud. She hissed through her teeth and opened herself to the warmth of the bath. All the sensations together just served to make her hotter. Her groin seemed to be alive with quakes like lightening jolting through her. They pulsed with her heartbeat. Her index finger touched the naked tip of her clit making her jerk, sloshing water over the side.
In her haste, she had forgotten to turn off the water. She reached up with her toes and turned the nozzle off. The only sounds in the room now were that of the faucet dripping one drop at a time and of her breathing.
The water lapped at the back of her neck with each movement, exciting her even more. She rubbed her clit in small slow circles drawing it out. She didn't want to rush this fantasy. She wanted to imagine the fingers touching her were his.
“Derek! Mmm, oh yeah, that's it.” She picked up speed then filled herself with two fingers and finger fucked herself for long moments with the other hand rolling a nipple between her fingers.
“Almost there, yes, almost. Ohmigod, yes.” She rubbed her clit in fast circles and pinched her nipple, making her explode. Her eyes rolled back in her head as her body jerked and twitched ferociously, splashing a large amount of water onto the tile floor. She didn't care about the water. All she cared about was the incredible orgasm that had just crashed over her like a tidal wave. Regardless of the water, she had a fine sheen of sweat on her face, which cooled courtesy of the air conditioning. Her breaths came in pants, ragged and labored. She could fall asleep here right now and she wouldn't give one tiny little ounce of a crap.
She laid there content in her bliss when she heard a banging noise. Startled she sat straight up and listened again.
Bang! Bang! Bang
“Open up, I know you're in there. Come on, Lissy, I see your car in the parking lot.
“Dammit. I hate it when you call me Lissy. It makes me sound like a dog.” She stepped out of the tub, donned her terrycloth pink robe and opened the door to a fist in her face. She ducked the knocking fist just barely missing her.
“Shit, Lissy, I wasn't trying to hit you. I was just knocking. I didn't think you would open the door.” He shifted from foot to foot.
“Rex, what are you doing here?”
“I wanted to see you. And from the looks of it you wanted to see me too.” He stared at her chest.
She looked down, realizing her nipples were hard from the cold. Definitely didn't have anything to do with present company, if that's what you could call him. He was more like an unwelcome rodent. They didn't make traps big enough for creeps like him. She didn't know what she ever saw in him. Next to Derek he was a real loser.
“Alright, you've seen me. You can leave now.” She tried closing the door on him, but he pushed in past her. “Or you could come in I guess.” Damn, she didn't want him in her apartment.
“Look, Lissy, I need you back. I've changed.”
“Stop calling me Lissy. And no you haven't changed at all. Why are you here?”
“Cause we're good together.” He approached her.
She smelled the beer on his breath already. Good grief, he was a turn-off.
He tried to kiss her.
She dodged him, moving to the side.
“We weren't good at all. We were terrible together and I told you it's over. No, step back before I punch you in the head. I've had enough unwanted groping for one
day.” She dodged another of his sloppy kisses.
He stopped at that statement. “Who the fuck touched you? I'll fuggin’ kill ‘em.”
“No. You'll do no such thing. Haven't you had a bit much to drink?” She moved over to the couch, but stood behind it instead of sitting down. She wanted to keep something between them at all times. After all, she was standing there in nothing but a terrycloth robe.
“I'll drink all I wanna drink. Come on, Lissy, I love you. I want cha back.” He plopped down on the couch and closed his eyes.
'Oh no you don't. You are not staying here.” She rounded the couch hoping to get him out of her space when he pulled her down on top of him.
“See, I knew you wanted me.”
She struggled to get free.
“Let me go. I mean it. Either let me go, or you're going to get it in the balls.”
He squeezed her tight around the ribs, making her yelp. “Hey now, there's no reason to bring the boys in on this. Unless you want to lick ‘em.”
“You're disgusting. Now let me go.” Her robe popped open giving him a nice view of her breasts.
“Fuck. I love those titties. Ripe and round, just like I like ‘em.” His tongue darted out of his mouth, licking the swell of one breast, making her sick.
“Rex, I said let me go. I mean it. If you don't I'll scream my head off.” She could still feel the nasty trail of his rancid saliva.
His arms fell open “Fine. Go. I don't give a shit.” As she struggled to get up, she pressed down on his lap to get leverage and touched his ‘very there’ erection.
“Hey, watch it.” He readjusted and pushed her off his lap.
She landed on the floor with a very unladylike plop. “Sorry about your thingy.” She pushed up from the floor.
“Yeah, well my thingy doesn't forgive you. What were you trying to do castrate me?”
She adjusted her robe. “Yes. I was trying to castrate you. Now will you leave, or will I be calling someone to remove you?” She walked to the door and opened it gesturing with her hand for him to leave.
“Fine, I'll go, but I'll be back. We ain't through.” He stepped out into the cold night air shivering.
“Yes, we are, and no, you won't. Stay away from me and stop calling.” She slammed the door in his face before he could respond. And that's when she decided she needed better security. The thought of Derek punching Rex in the head made her feel a little better. She took a look through the peephole and made sure he was gone then went back to the bathroom to clean up. This had to be one of the best-worst nights of her life. She just wondered if she'd done the right thing by getting Derek off. The poor man had been suffering for hours just as she had. It only seemed fair. Now all she needed to know was when he would show up in her world again.
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* * *
Lissa had endured yet another day of hell with Santa Claus, the pervert. She quite often pushed his hands away literally every time she turned around. She'd quit this stupid job if she weren't so desperate for money. She opened the velvet rope to let the last kid of the day through. “Hi, are you ready to see Santa, little girl?”
“No. My mom said I had to get my picture taken with him.” She shrugged her shoulders and climbed up on Santa's lap. The little girl sneered at the fake Santa and crossed her arms over her chest.
Lissa couldn't help but smile. She felt the exact same about the creepy tub-o-lard. She checked her watch again for the hundredth time and there he was, just like last time, standing very casually by the giant plastic reindeer. She opened the velvet rope, walked over to him and kissed him. It was just a short sweet peck, a promise of more to come.
“Hi, sweetheart, did you have a good day being Santa's helper?”
She shrugged her shoulders. “As good as could be expected with freaky grab ass.” She gestured over her shoulder to Santa.
He sucked in a hiss of air. “That's it. I'm not gonna stand by and let that bastard grope my woman.” He reached for the velvet rope.
Lissa put her hand over his.
“Stop it. I need this job.” She rubbed his arm soothing him. His muscles were tight and trembling.
He gave her a look like she must be crazy, but he left it alone.
“You could get another job. There are a lot of retail jobs that are a lot better than this crap.” He stared daggers at Rick the man playing Santa.
“Look, can we talk about this later. I need to go change. Can I trust that you'll behave while I'm gone?” She stood with her hands on her hips.
“I won't do anything this time, but if he keeps touching you, I'll knock his ass out.” He spoke loud enough for Rick to hear. He must have heard, because he left through the other side of the display.
She sighed and headed for the employees locker room. She'd found the most perfect dress to wear on their first official, post hand job in the truck, date. She found it on the sales rack in the women's department for fifty percent off, plus her twenty percent employee discount made it a steal. Yes, it was a short sleeve mini dress out of season, but it was red and beautiful, so that was all that mattered. She didn't care that she would freeze her ass off in it. She would be the most beautiful Popsicle he'd ever seen.
She wanted to be and feel sexy for him. She knew what kind of lover he was going to be now, and if at all possible, she would get to experience his expertise tonight. It had been two days since they had been together, so she was more than ready. She couldn't wait to finish her dinner and head to his house. Of course, she had to take Jack into consideration. He might be home with a babysitter. She didn't know. The more she thought about it, the less she wanted to have sex with him. What if he only wanted sex? That wouldn't be enough time for here to get him to fall for her. She needed to keep him interested and excited, but not give in. Right, like I have that much self-control. If the man so much as breathes on me I'm going to go off like a roman candle
She peeled off the elf costume, putting it in her oversized purse. She'd take it home and wash it tonight. If she went home. In a way she hoped she would, and in a way she wanted to wake up in his arms. Of course, she wasn't sure if they fell into bed if they would sleep at all. He seemed like he would be an absolute animal.
She tugged on the thongs she brought that matched her new dress. She pulled the dress over her head slipped her arms through and had it zipped up in mere seconds.
Derek stood there alone by now, waiting for her.
She still couldn't get used to the thought that Derek was her just for her. It was so surreal. She never in a million years would have thought she could find a man like him.
She checked her hair in the mirror, pushing a wayward strand behind her ear, applied more pink lip-gloss and headed out to start their date. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him talking with Rick the dick Santa. The butterflies in her stomach tripled. What would he say to the man who had constantly taken sleazy shots at her ass for the last week? Their voices weren't loud. They weren't brawling; they didn't even seem to be disagreeable. Somehow that miffed her more than if they had been throwing punches. Her maybe boyfriend was conversing casually with her sexual harassment Santa. How messed up was that?
She marched over to them, stopping in front of Derek, whose even temperament in this situation made her blood boil. “What are you doing talking so calmly to him? He's been grabbing my ass every single day for over a week, and you're just casually talking to him like Lissa's ass is no big deal.” She threw her hands up in the air. She almost walked away, when Derek's strong hand caught her arm. He spun her around as graceful as if they were dancing bringing her flush with his body. Dammit, I creamed. How does he do that?
“I think you misunderstand, Kitten. Richard here was going to offer his sincerest apologies and offer to split half his pay with you, unless you want to file suit. Do you want to file a suit?”
“Uh, no I don't.” Kitten? Richard, here? What the hell? He's talking like people split the
ir paychecks every day. No big deal
“I'm uh, I'm very sorry I disrespected you, Miss Lissa. It won't happen again.”
She noticed he was sweating profusely and looked to Derek on every other word. It was almost like he was afraid to get it wrong. So they had a little talk while she was dressing and now she was going to get hazard pay. Hot damn.
“I forgive you. Just make sure your hands are by your sides when I hand you candy canes.”
“Yes, Ma'am,” he looked to Derek who nodded like Rick had done a good job. This was all kinds of crazy. How did Derek do it? How did he bend people to his will?
“You may go, Rick”
He left quickly like his pants were on fire.
She pointed her finger after him. “How did you do that? Did you threaten him?”
He smiled. “No I simply pointed out the camera that has been recording every single time he's touched you. After that, he seemed rather agreeable to my terms. Unless you do decide to file a suit and I wouldn't blame you if you did. He should leave you alone now.” He rocked back and forth on his heels. “And I might have said something about his life being cut a little short if he touched my woman again.” He took her arm and led her toward the double doors.
“Your woman, huh?”
He stopped, swung her around and kissed her right there in the shoe department. His lips weren't demanding as she might have expected, but gentle, coaxing and sexy as hell. He licked the seam of her mouth and she opened for him to explore her mouth. Hell he could test her tonsils if he wanted. Whatever, she was definitely his.
He broke the kiss, opened his eyes and gazed into her heavy lidded eyes. “Any questions?”
She shook her head. Forming words at this point would be damn near impossible.