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Jack's Christmas Wish Page 2
Jack's Christmas Wish Read online
Page 2
He leaned over making the vinyl seat squeak and planted his lips firmly on hers. He didn't crush her, he didn't grab the back of her head, he just kissed her gently and dare she think it, lovingly. He was the epitome of chivalrous. But guys like him weren't supposed to exist.
He backed off slowly with his eyes still closed. “That was amazing,” he said in a half moan.
Well, if that was amazing, let's see what happens when we open our mouths. She sat back in her seat reveling in the moment. She'd been waiting all day for that. “Mmm, that was nice.”
He seemed to try to shake it off. “We best be getting to my truck, before we...” He let his words trail off.
She wanted to ask what, but started her car instead. “Which one is it?” She put it in drive and headed for the other lot.
He pointed to a dark blue or black pick-up sitting under a parking lamp. “This is me.”
“It's you. I mean it fits you. A big huge truck like that just fits you.” She was nervous talking, and repeating herself. She'd just kissed the man of her dreams and now was going someplace with him. It was a little surreal.
He must have picked up on it, “Look after we get coffee I have something I'd love for you to see. Would you like to go?” He adjusted himself in the seat.
She couldn't help herself. She looked down at his crotch. I know something I'd love to see and from the looks of those jeans, it would love to see me too.
He cleared his throat, drawing her attention to his face. Good Lord, what he must think of her. She was acting like a total slut.
“Follow me to the little café.
She realized she hadn't answered him, while she had been admiring his very large erection. “I'd like to see the surprise.” Boy, would I ever.
“Alright, follow me.” He got out of the car, leaving her practically panting after him. Not having sex for a while could do that to a girl. The last man she'd been with was Rex and it wasn't good. As a matter of fact she had faked her orgasm just to get him off of her, but she had the feeling it wouldn't be that way with Derek.
She watched his ass subtly sway away from her. He was gorgeous from top to bottom. Quite literally bottom.
He started his truck and pulled out of the lot.
She followed him for a few blocks and pulled into the café parking lot. She shut off her car and watched him approach. She sat still knowing he was about to open her door for her.
He walked over to her car door opened it and helped her out. “It's not much but they have the best coffee in town.” The café was in an old brick building. It looked like it had been built a century ago. He opened the door for her and a bell sounded above her head. With his hand on her lower back he led her to a small booth in the back.
A waitress with her hair pulled back into a bun and a pencil behind her right ear approached the table.
“What's it going to be folks? She pulled the pencil down and flipped a page on her order pad.
“I'll have a cup of tea.” Lissa put her menu back in the holder on the table.
“Coffee, for me thanks, black.” Derek folded his hands in front of him with his elbows on the table. “I feel like I must tell you, I never do this.” He unfolded his hands and fidgeted with the napkin holder.
“What drink coffee?” She gave him a mischievous smile.
He chuckled. “No. I don't usually ask beautiful elves out for coffee. I haven't dated since my wife died.” He shifted in his seat.
Well damn, she had no idea what to say to that, but luckily the waitress showed up with their drinks. Her cup was set in front of her, still steaming. “Thanks you.” She nodded to the waitress, dunked her tea bag several times, added sugar and stirred making a clinking sound.
The waitress left. “I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable. I just felt the need to tell you. You don't have to say anything. Truth is I haven't felt anything for a woman until I met you. That has to mean something right? I mean, I'm ready to move on now. She would want me to. My only issue is Jack. He's going to think we're getting married right off, so you can be his new mother. I don't know how to deal with that.”
She still didn't know why, but she felt like she would make a good mom for Jack. She had a vision in her head of them sitting around a Christmas tree opening presents as a family. “I-I'm so sorry about your wife.” What else could she say? She took a sip of her tea and it burned her tongue.
“Lissa, I want to be here with you. I would love to see you again, but like I said, I'm afraid Jack would get the wrong idea. He's so desperate to have a mom and I just don't want him to get too excited. I'm sure you understand.” He took a sip of his coffee.
She did all too well. What he was saying was he wanted a one nightstand. That's not what she wanted, but she would take what she could get. “I would love to spend the evening with you too. Why not call him on it? If he wants to have sex, then so do I. Even though she knew the score now, she still felt empty and deflated. She pushed her tea aside and leaned forward placing her breasts on the table. She followed his eyes to her chest. Yep, that's what I thought. “So are you about ready to get on with our evening?”
“Yes I am. I just need you to know...”
She put her hand up shushing him. “I know the score already. I'm okay with it. I get it. You don't want anything complicated, like a relationship.” She sighed. God, she wanted more. How was she supposed to be with him and walk away? Maybe during the night she could convince him to see her again.
He one last gulp of his coffee and pushed the almost empty cup aside. He pulled his wallet out and dropped a wad of bills on the table. “Let's go.” He stood and offered her his hand helping her up.
She took his hand, feeling his calloused work roughened fingers.
He pulled her up flush with his body and kissed her on the top of the head. He was so gentle with her.
She wondered if he would be this gentle in bed. She hoped not. She'd had her fair share of gentle lovers and none of them did a thing for her. Especially Rex. She wanted Derek to take charge of her body and ravage her. Dominate her and make her come so hard she loses touch with reality.
They made their way back to their vehicles. He opened her door, then closed it again and backed her onto the door. “I'm sorry, but I have to kiss you. What I had before wasn't enough.”
Without another word, he bent down and took her mouth in a curl-your-toes-and-make-you-come, kind of kiss.
She opened up to him, letting him explore her mouth. This kiss was hungry, like the man was starving.
He held her to him by the back of her head and didn't let up until they had to come up for air.
“Wow, thank you. That was amazing.”
“Maybe we should skip the surprise.” He waggled his brows.
“No. You said I would love it, so you have to show it to me.” Her teeth started to chatter. Chicago was freezing in December. “C-c-come on let's get to it.”
“Follow me.” He helped her into her car and walked to his truck. She had a feeling the night with him was just beginning, and she couldn't wait for more. She was already on fire inside wanting him. She had to turn the heat down in her car before she started to pant. The man could kiss good enough to melt snow. She imagined how that tongue might feel exploring her body, and shivered from excitement. She could just picture it. Her lying on his bed with her legs spread, her fingers speared through his beautiful blond hair, with his magic tongue licking her clit.
Maybe he would explore her body like a treasure map. Travel around and discover all of her hidden erogenous zones. Good grief, it was hot in her car. Her toes were curling in her high heels just thinking about it and that was hard to do. She could just see him now on top of her; pumping inside her so hard she almost couldn't stand it. She could almost feel him. Her clit was a hard nubbin ready for action and she had the tingles in her groin so bad she had to slam her legs closed just to get relief. Yep, this is gonna be one hell of a night
The trip was a long one winding through the
city block after block. She wondered if they were getting lost. It being a long enough trip she had time to examine her strange feelings. Why did she feel such a strong pull toward Jack? Was this some Sleepless in Seattle kind of things? Was she supposed to meet them on the top floor of the Sears Tower? It was the tallest building in Chicago. She sure couldn't afford to travel to New York.
The more she thought about Jack, the more she felt like she was supposed to be in his life. She would have to keep him protected from Rex though.
Rex was determined to have her back and wouldn't let her go. He called all hours of the day and night and left graphic messages of what he would do to her body when he touched her again. Some of it sounded good, but she knew what kind of lover he was already, and wasn't impressed. She hoped Derek and Jack never found out about Rex and his obsession with her.
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* * *
She had no idea what he wanted her to see at a construction site, but she'd play along. She parked by a large industrial size trash bin and got out, joining him before he could get to her car door. “So this large metal skeleton is my surprise? Nice.”
“No. It's something else. Follow me.”
He pointed to a freight elevator on the side of the construction site.
It was a good thing she wasn't afraid of heights, because when she looked up to the top, it was at least fifteen or so stories of ‘ohmigod, I could fall'. She would be sure to hang on to her guide.
They hopped on the elevator and it whirred to life. “Are you nervous? If you are, you can hold my hand.”
Well, she was, just a little bit, but it was just another plus for the night. The air was cold and crisp, blowing pretty well giving her a chill. There was a full moon out glowing over the city like a large incandescent bulb, the night was almost magical. All they needed were snowflakes to fall as they kissed on top of the building. It would be like a fairytale.
“W-w-what's up here?” She shivered and her teeth chattered.
He immediately took his coat off and wrapped it around her. “I'm sorry, I didn't think about how cold it would be up here.”
“It's o-o-ok. I like the c-c-cold. I like it ‘cause you c-c-can always f-f-find someone to warm up w-w-with.”
“I could help with that.”
“I'd love for you to warm me up.”
Sonofabitch, he was freezing, but just a few more steps and she would see why he brought her here. “It's this way.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets and led her across the skeletal roof of his newest project. He wanted to warm them both up by having sex, but he didn't know if she would go for it. After all, they'd just met. His cock had a different opinion regardless of the timing. If it wasn't so damn cold, he'd be hard as a rock.
He noted that she managed just fine on her own and wasn't afraid of heights. It was a good thing too, because they were fifteen stories up. The last thing he needed was a freaked out female on his hands.
They came out from behind a stack of metal beams and he heard her gasp.
“Oh, this is beautiful, Derek.” The view of the city with all of its twinkling lights stood out before her. She walked closer to the edge. “It's almost like I'm flying.”
He stepped up and wrapped his arms around her. He loved her silky shoulder length hair and her sweet clean smell. He took a moment to savor her scent, and buried his face in her chestnut hair. “I'm glad you like it. I thought you would since you said the skyline was one of your favorite things. I'm just sorry you're so cold.” He shivered.
“Do you want your coat back? I'm okay now.” She started to take it off.
He held it firm on her shoulders. He would freeze to death before he would let her get any colder.
“I'm fine; you keep it on. He wrapped his arms around her again, brushing the underside of her breasts.
She froze stiff for a moment, he almost stopped and then to his surprise, she moved his hands to her breasts. Her cold hard nipples poked his hands. So, she was wanting just as bad as he was.
“You know, if it weren't so cold, that would feel so much better. I think I'm ready to go now.” She turned in his arms, stood on tiptoe and kissed him.
He felt her cold nose on his cheek and pressed in closer. He licked the seam of her lips, getting her to open for him. He plundered her mouth, leaving nothing untouched. Despite the cold, his erection grew to a painful point, trapped behind the teeth of his zipper.
“Where do you want to go?” If she said home alone, he'd die right here right now. He held her closer, rubbing their bodies together.
“Wherever, you do.” She smiled at him and they locked eyes.
He could see her heavy lidded chocolate colored eyes were filled with passion. It humbled him that it was all for his benefit. “How about we go to your place?”
She stiffened in his arms.
“Did I say something wrong?” He loosened his arms and waited.
“No, but I just have a small studio apartment and I'm sure it's a disaster area.” She chewed her bottom lip.
“Well, look were freezing up here, let's go down, get warm in my truck and figure it out from there.”
“Okay, sounds good.” They headed back to the freight elevator, hopped on and descended. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and headed for his truck.
“Hop in.” He held the door open for her. He turned over the ignition and switched the heat to full blast. They huddled together waiting for the heat to come.
Finally the heat kicked in. They held their hands up to the vents, thawing their frozen hands.
“Mmm, that feels much better.” She snuggled into his side with the bulky coat between them. She shimmied out of the oversized jacket, tossed it on the seat, turned to him and kissed his neck.
“You keep doing that and we're going to end up having sex in my truck.” He thrust his jean-covered erection up for emphasis.
“Maybe I want to. Ever think of that?”
“Oh, yeah, I've thought of it. I've been daydreaming about it all day.” He snaked a hand over her shoulder. His hand was low enough to fondle her breast. All he needed was permission. She had no idea what she was in for. He took complete control of a woman's body and commanded her orgasms, orchestrating them like a fine tuned symphony. He watched the rise and fall of her chest by the soft glow of the dashboard lights. What he wouldn't give to see her naked in his dungeon.
“You can touch me.” She pulled him down to her breast. His work roughened hand slipped beneath her top and began massaging her.
“Are you sure you want to do this? I'm not a gentle lover.” He continued his erotic massage, as his mouth watered to taste her.
“Mmm, I might not want gentle. I love it when a man takes control.” She arched her back giving him better access.
“That's all I needed to hear, sweetheart. I have to make a quick call and we can go to my place.” He pulled his cell out and punched in a number. “Hello, Mrs. Sanders, is there any way Jack can stay the night with you? I'll pay you extra, of course. I'm just out running so late, it'll be way past his bedtime before I can get him.”
“Sure, I'll put him down with Paulie Jr.”
'Thanks so much, Mrs. Sanders. I don't know what I would do without you.” He closed the phone, squeezed Lissa's breast one last time and removed his hand.
“Take my coat, get in your car and follow me.”
She sat up, pulled the jacket back on and went to get out, but stopped. She turned to face him. “This is just one night, right? Like a Christmas fantasy.”
He nodded his head. “I want more, but anything else would be too complicated, I think. If you've changed your mind, let me know now.” He adjusted himself in the seat, trying to get comfortable with a hard-on if it were possible.
“No. I haven't changed my mind, but could we stay here a bit longer? She scooted back over toward him.
“Sure we can.” Fuck, my nuts are gonna explode. He put his arm back around her, pulling her c
lose. He wanted to pull her on top of him and have her ride him right here in his truck. He was having a hard time fighting the Dominant inside of himself from taking control. He had a feeling Lissa would make a perfect submissive. He just didn't know if it would scare the shit out of her or not. He guessed not when she started rubbing his cock through his jeans.
“I can't help myself. I'm just so hot for you.” She stroked his entire length up and down.
“Shh, just let me do this for you.” She kept stroking him.
He couldn't handle her sensual touches any longer. He tossed his head back on the seat and let himself go under her hand. His balls drew up and a tingle ran up his spine, and he came with an intensity he hadn't quite felt before. It hasn't even been five minutes. She's gonna think I can't last but a second. He almost pushed her away out of shame. He just came in his jeans, for christsakes. He turned away from her.
“I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?” She put her hand on his shoulder.
He shrugged it off, and said, “I think we can call it a night.” Damn he wanted to be with her. He couldn't just let her go, but the embarrassment was killing him. He finally turned to her.
“I'm so sorry if I didn't do it right.” Here he'd been upset about premature ejaculation and she thought it was something she did wrong.
“No, sweetheart, you did everything just fine. I'm sorry I overreacted. Look, I know this was supposed to be a one night thing, but I really want to see you again.” Fuck, complicated
“You do? I really wanted to see you again too. Maybe we could date a little before we do this again.” She rested her hand on his knee.
He grinned at her. “I think that would be a good idea. I really enjoyed that though.” He palmed her face in his hand and rubbed her bottom lip with his thumb.
“I'm glad you enjoyed it. I did too.” She kissed his thumb.
“Alright, now you need to stop that or we'll end up doing more than that in just a few minutes. That will be your only warning.” The Dom in him began to take over. He couldn't keep it from her. She had to understand what she was getting herself into. His woman would have to be a sub no matter what. He couldn't be with anyone who wasn't. She would have to want to live the lifestyle every day.